Joe Betters

Dawson High School (1).png

Teacher Name: Joe Betters


Contact Information: About Me:
  • 281-412-8800
Conference Period and Tutoring Information: Degrees and Certifications:

Conference Period: 6th
Tutoring Information: M and F during B-Lunch

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Period Time Course
1st 7:15 - 8:04 Duel Credit
2nd 8:09 - 8:58 Statistics
3rd 9:03 - 9:52 Statistics
4th 9:57 - 10:50 AP Pre-Cal
5th 10:55 - 11:44 AP Pre-Cal
Eagle Hour 11:48 - 12:48 Duty T, W, TH / Tutorials M, F during B-Lunch)
6th 12:52 - 1:41 Conference
7th 1:46 - 2:35 Football / Baseball

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