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What is Canva?

Canva is an online graphic design tool. It can be used to create social media posts, presentations, posters, videos, logos and more.

All students now have access to the all-in-one visual communication platform, 100% free. 

Whatever you want to create – presentations, posters, videos, digital whiteboarding, newsletters, websites – you can do it all in Canva.

How do I log in?

Logging In:

  1. Go to Links to an external site.
  2. Click the Log in button
  3. Click Continue another way
  4. Click Continue with Microsoft Continue with Microsoft.png
  5. Use your school email address to log in
How do I complete Canva assignments in Canvas?

Submit Canvas assignments (for students)

When teachers publish an assignment on Canvas, students can also complete and create their Canva for Education designs within their Canvas accounts.

  1. Log into your student Canvas account.
  2. Select a course and go to Assignments.
  3. Click on Start Assignment.
  4. Select the Canva for Education tab to launch Canva.
  5. Select a design you’ve already created or create a new one. If you created a new design, make sure to press Publish to Canvas once done.
  6. Click on Submit Assignment. Wait for your teacher to review your assignment.

Canva for Students

Create amazing designs in minutes for all your creative projects and studying needs.

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Get Started as a Canva Student Links to an external site. Collaborate in Canva Links to an external site. Search and Edit Elements Links to an external site. Record Yourself Links to an external site.
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Add and Style Text Links to an external site. Edit Photos Links to an external site. Add Animations Links to an external site. Use Apps in Canva Links to an external site.