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Mrs.Lacey Jackson, MS, BSN, RN

Contact Information:

    • jacksonl@pearlandisd.org


    • Master of Science from University of Texas at Tyler in Human Resource Management
    • Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Texas A&M at Corpus Christi 
    • Bachelor of Science in Health Science Education from Texas A&M University at College Station

Tutorial Times:

    • Tuesday 2:45-3:30pm
    • Thursday 2:45-3:30pm

Conference Time:

    • Monday-Friday 7:15-8:45am

About Me:


My name is Lacey Jackson. I am a Registered Nurse with a background specialty in Pediatrics, NICU, and Mother Baby. This will be my 17th year teaching Health Science, and I am thrilled to be teaching at Turner College and Career High School!! I am married and have five wonderful children and three fur babies (2 dogs and 1 cat) at home. I am looking forward to a wonderful school year!


Class Schedule:

Period Course
1st Conference
2nd Clinical Rotations
3rd Clinical Rotations
4th Patient Care Technician
5th Conference
6th Patient Care Technician
7th Patient Care Technician
8th Patient Care Technician




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