Betts Homepage THS

Teacher Homepage

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Coach Betts

Contact Information:



    • BA-Mathematics University of Northern Iowa
    • MEd-Physical Education University of Houston

Tutorial Times:

    • Tues 2:45-3:15
    • Thurs 2:45-3:15
    • Tues Mega Lunch 12:25-12:55

Conference Time:

    • Monday-Thurs 7:15-8:45



Class Schedule:

Period Course
1st Conference
2nd Lifetime Fitness and Wellness
3rd Lifetime Fitness and Wellness
4th Lifetime Fitness and Wellness
5th Conference/ACC Metoring (Friday)
6th Lifetime Fitness and Wellness
7th Lifetime Fitness and Wellness
8th ISS
CCT/Advisory Seniors Rm 2549




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