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Kailey Cummins

Contact Information:


    • Bachelor of Business Administration in International Business - Sam Houston State University
      • Minor in Spanish 
    • Certifications:
      • Special Education EC-12
      • Family and Consumer Sciences

Tutorial Times:

    • Tuesdays 2:35-3:30pm
    • Thursdays 2:35-3:30pm

Conference Time:

    • A-Days: 7:15-8:52am
    • B-Days: 12:58-2:35pm
    • C-Days: 7:15-8:52am

About Me:

* Hello, my name is Kailey Cummins and I am a Special Education Case Manager and Math In Class Support teacher. 

* I am beginning my 13th year in education, my 8th year with Pearland ISD, and my 7th year with Turner High School. 

* I have two children who are 14 and 5 years old. They keep me very busy with all of their extracurricular activities :) 

*I have a Shitzu-Maltese mixed doggie named, Kookies 'n Kream. Later in the semester, when the Veterinary Program re-opens Doggie Daycare, the students will get to see her when I bring her to work with me! 

* I love all things P!NK, baseball/GO 'STROS, singing & dancing, iced caramel coffees with oat milk, and spending time with my kiddos!

* The students know snacks are always available to them during small group testing and tutoring times. I will GLADLY accept any snack donations for my office!! Teenagers love to eat :) 

Class Schedule:

Period Course
1st Conference
2nd Algebra 1 - Darrow
3rd Algebra 1 - Darrow
4th Algebraic Reasoning - Brewer/Geometry - Munoz 
5th Geometry - Chung
6th Algebra 1 - Carla Walters
7th Algebra 2 - Carla Walters/Chemistry - Bingley
8th Conference / ACC Mentoring 
Advisory Room 2504E




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