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Melinda Darrow

Contact Information:

    • darrowm@pearlandisd.org


    • M.S. Systems Engineering, B.S. Mathematics 
    • TX Certification Math 8-12

Tutorial Times:

    • Tuesday/Thursday 2:40-3:30pm

Conference Time:

    • Monday-Thursday 12:58-2:35pm
    • Friday 1:52-2:35pm (8th)

About Me:

Welcome to my Algebra 1 class! I am starting my 3rd year here at Turner HS and I absolutely love it here! I have such a passion for math and science and I am excited for this new school year and learning more about my students. My main goal is to guide students on how to think about what they learn and take ownership of their own learning.

Class Schedule:

Period Course
1st Algebra 1
2nd Algebra 1
3rd Algebra 1
4th Conference/ACC
5th Adv SAT Prep
6th PAP Algebra 1
7th PAP Algebra 1
8th Conference




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