DAVIS Homepage THS

Teacher Homepage

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Shana Davis

Contact Information:


    • Bachelor of Science - The University of Texas at Austin
    • Master of Science- The University of Houston at Clear Lake
    • Life Science Certification 8-12
    • Science Certification 4-7
    • Special Education Supplemental Certification 8-12

Tutorial Times:

    • M/W 2:35pm-3:30pm
    • Any afternoon on T/Th/F 2:35-3:30 by appointment

Conference Time:

    • M/W 1:15-2:45
    • T/Th 7:15-8:45


Class Schedule:

Period Course
1st IPC- Mr. Bingley
2nd IPC/Algebraic Reasoning- Mr. Bingley/ Mr. Brewer
3rd Geometry-Munoz
4th Conference
5th Conference
6th Chemistry- Mr. Bingley
7th Biology- Mrs. Wehman
8th Biology- Mrs. Wehman
Advisory Fridays Only 12:34-12:59




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