Harkreader Homepage THS

Teacher Homepage

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Mrs. Harkreader

Contact Information:

    • harkreaderm@pearlandisd.org


Tutorial Times:

    • Tuesday 2:45-3:30 
    • Thursday 2:45-3:30

Conference Time:

    • Monday / Wednesday 8:50-10:20
    • Tuesday  / Thursday 7:15-8:45

About Me:

My name is Megan Harkreader and I have been teaching high school science for 15 years. This will be my 10th year teaching at Turner. 

I went to college at University of Texas in San Antonio where I majored in multidisciplinary sciences with specialization in chemistry.

This year I hope to ensure that you students enjoy learning science as much as I enjoy teaching it. 

Here are a few tips to ensure you do well in the class:

  • Come to me for HELP when you don’t understand something.
  • Sometimes 2 minutes with me can save you 2 hours of frustration later. 
  • Don’t give up.  I don’t know is not an acceptable answer in science. 
  • Think!  Figure it out!  Even a wrong answer is better than no answer at all.

Remember I am here to help! Make sure you let me know about any issues you are having and I will do whatever I can to assist you.

Class Schedule:

Period Course
1st Physics
2nd Conference
3rd PAP Chemistry
4th PAP Chemistry
5th Conference
6th PAP Chemistry
7th PAP Chemistry
8th PAP Chemistry
CCT/Advisory  B- Lunch




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