KING Homepage THS

Teacher Homepage

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Kelly King

Contact Information:



    • BSIS & BBA-Accounting
    • Certifications
      • English
      • Special Education
      • ESL
      • Elementary 1-8 self-contained
      • Reading 1-8

Tutorial Times:

    • Tuesday 2:45 - 3:30
    • Wednesday 2:45 - 3:30
    • Other times by appointment only

Conference Time:

    • Mon. - Thurs. 10:45 - 12:15
    • Fr. 10:35 - 11:55

About Me:

Hi! I'm Kelly King, and I'm excited to teach English I to both on level and PAP students this year. Additionally, I will serve as the school's Emerging Bilingual (EB) teacher.

I am a born and raised Houstonian. I currently live in the Pearland area with my husband, two girls (both Turner students!), two cats and a dog. When I'm not teaching, like spending time with my family and friends. AND you will always find me reading something!

Class Schedule:

Period Course
1st PAP English I
2nd PAP English I
3rd Conference
4th English I
5th EB Student Assistance
6th EB Student Assistance
7th Conference / ACC advisory when scheduled
8th EB Student Assistance

HB4545 Tutorials




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