Maulding Homepage THS

Teacher Homepage

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Mrs. Shannon Maulding

Contact Information:


Tutorial Times:

    • After School - by appt  2:35-3:30
    • Mon thru Thu Only

Conference Time:

    • Mon & Wed 1:04-2:35
    • Tue & Wed TBA
    • Fri 1:04-1:47

About Me:

I have had the pleasure of teaching students at Turner since the doors opened in August 2013. I am a world traveler and have invited students and families for over 12 years through help of an educational company.  I believe that students develop a wide range of understanding of other cultures by experiencing it first hand.  They also gather the appreciation for other's views which provides them an empathy and much more.  And it doesn't hurt that it looks great on a resume or college application.

I have been married for 34 years and have three adult children, 2 cat furbabies, 1 puppy, and a dozen koi fish babies.  I love the great outdoors no matter where I happen to be in the moment and spending time with my family.  

Class Schedule:

Period Course
1st  English IV
2nd  English IV
3rd  English IV

 A day - Conference

 C day - ACC Mentoring

5th  Yearbook
6th  English IV
7th  Conference
8th  English IV
Lunch  TBA




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