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R Morgan

Contact Information:


    • BS from Sam Houston State University 
    • Agriculture Certification
    • Speech Communication Certification

Tutorial Times:

    • Tuesday, 2:35-3:15, Scheduled 
    • Thursday, 2:35-3:15, Scheduled 

Conference Time:

    • Monday-Friday, 4th & 8th 

About Me:

Hello!  I am Rhonda Morgan.  I have been teaching for 27 years, 23 in Pearland ISD.  I am the FFA Advisor for Pearland FFA.  I have loved all things agriculture and FFA my whole life.  I teach with my husband in the weld shop daily.  We try to build an environment that is representative of the working world and prepare students for careers in the industrial world.  We also try to instill good work skills for all careers.  Education has been a life long passion for both my husband and myself.  We have two children that are also in education and preparing to be in education.  I have lived in the Pearland area my whole life and blessed for the community support that we receive for our welding and FFA program!  


Syllabus Intro Weld R Morgan.pdf Download Syllabus Intro Weld R Morgan.pdf

Syllabus Welding 1 & 2 R Morgan.pdf Download Syllabus Welding 1 & 2 R Morgan.pdf

Syllabus Practicum Ag Welding R Morgan.pdf Download Syllabus Practicum Ag Welding R Morgan.pdf

Class Schedule:

Period Course
1st Intro to Welding/Welding 1/Welding 2
2nd Intro to Welding/Welding 1
3rd Intro to Welding/Welding 1/Practicum to Agriculture
4th Conference
5th Intro to Welding/Welding 1/Welding 2
6th Intro to Welding/Welding 1
7th Intro to Welding/Welding 1/Practicum to Agriculture
8th Conference
CCT/Advisory 12th Grade




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