Wehman Homepage THS

Wehman Homepage--Biology and Advanced Animal Science

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Karen Wehman

Contact Information:

    • wehmank@pearlandisd.org


    • Biology Degree from Texas State University
    • Certifications:
      • Secondary Biology, Grades 6-12
      • Certification: Elementary Self-Contained, Grades 1-8

Tutorial Times:

    • Mondays After School: 2:35-3:30
    • Tuesday Mornings:6:30-7:15

Conference Time:

    • Monday's and Wednesday's: 1:30-2:30
    • Tuesday's: 7:30-8:30

About Me:


I'm Karen Wehman.  I teach biology and advanced animal science.  I've been teaching for many years and still love it!  The subjects I teach are a passion of mine and I hope that shines through in my classroom.

Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions or concerns. 

Parents--sending an e-mail is the best way to reach out to me.  I will return it with a follow up e-mail or phone call.  If you'd like for me to call you back, in your initial e-mail, please include a phone number where you can be reached and a time that corresponds with my conference times listed here. 

Students--I prefer face-to-face conversations.  If that's not possible, send me an e-mail or Canvas message.

Class Schedule:

Period Course
1st Biology
2nd Biology
3rd Advanced Animal Science
4th Conference
5th Conference
6th Biology
7th Biology
8th Biology
Advisory Every Friday     12:34-12:59






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