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Anu Joseph

Contact Information:



    • BS Mathematics
    • MS Computer Science
    • Ph.D. Project Management
    • Ed.D. Educational Leadership
    • TExES 241 - Computer Science 
    • TExES 242 - Technology Applications

Tutorial Times: Tuesdays upon request

    • Tuesday, 6:30 to 7:15am 
    • Tuesday, 2:45 to 3:30pm

Conference Time:

    • Monday - Thursday,9:00am to 10:00am

About Me:

Hello everyone! This is my 5th year teaching, and 2nd year at the Robert Turner College and Career High School. I will be teaching Computer Science and Video Game Design. Outside of the school time, I will be teaching computer programming at Houston Community College (HCC). This is my fourth year at HCC, and I enjoy sharing my knowledge and learning from students. With 11 years of industry experience as a Quality Engineer and four years of teaching experience, I believe I can contribute technical expertise and leadership skills to my students. I am learning new things every day and passionate about sharing knowledge with my students.

Class Schedule:

Period Course
1st Video Game Design
2nd Conference
3rd AP Computer Science Principles
4th Practicum of Entrepreneurship (IT)
5th Video Game Design
6th Conference / ACC Mentoring
7th Pre AP-Computer Science
8th Practicum of Entrepreneurship (IT)
Advisory Friday 12:34 - 12:59pm




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