CHUNG Homepage THS

THS Algebra 2 Mrs. Chung

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Ms. Chung

Contact Information:


Credentials: Bachelor of Science in Mathematics 

Tutorial Times:

    • Tuesday: 11:55 am to 12:30 pm & 2:45 pm to 3:30 pm
    • Thursday: 2:45 pm to 3:30 pm

Conference Time:

    • Tuesday & Thursday: 2:05 - 2:35 pm

About Me:

I have taught Algebra 2 & Geometry in the past 5 years. This is my first year teaching at Turner High School. I am excited to get to know all of you. 

Class Schedule:

Period Course
1st Conference 
2nd Algebra 2
3rd Algebra 2
4th Algebra 2
5th Algebra 2
6th Algebra 2
7th Algebra 2
8th Conference 
CCT/Advisory 9th grade/Art History 




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