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Gabriela Flores

Contact Information:

    • floresg@pearlandisd.org

Tutorial Times:

    • [Mon/Wed, B Lunch]
    • [Tues/Thurs, A lunch]
    • [M-Th 2:35-4:30]

Conference Time:

    • M/W: 2nd period
    • T/R: 6th period

About Me:

Hi Turner Community,

My name is Gabriela Flores, I am the new Turner art teacher! I wanted to personally introduce myself to everyone. I graduated from Texas Tech University in 2019, I majored in general studies with a concentration in Studio Art: Painting. Some of my hobbies are going to music festivals, visiting art museums, and oil painting in my free time. I’m really excited for this year and all that we accomplish as a class. Some of the projects both my Art 1 and Advanced Art students will work on are ceramics, sculptures, and prints just to name a few. By the end of the year all students will have at least 4 pieces that they are really proud of, to display in an end of the year art show for the Turner community. I hope you all look forward to seeing your students art this year as much as I am.

Class Schedule:

Period Course
1st Avanced Art
2nd Conference
3rd Art 1
4th Art 1
5th Advanced Art
6th Conference
7th Art 1
8th Art 1




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